Caroline Leavitt

Coming Back to Me

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From New York Times and USA Today bestselling novelist Caroline Leavitt comes an unusual twist on the family-in-jeopardy story—a couple's love and faith are tested when after labor complications, a young mother lapses into a coma.

It can take a long time to build up a life, and only moments to destroy it. Gary and Molly met in the way couples do: after a long haul of being single, quickly becoming soulmates and rejoicing in that fact. Beautiful, red-haired Molly ignites a fire in Gary and he eases the pain she feels about her past. Starting a family is something they both want badly to do, and with great joy Molly finds herself pregnant.
When she leaves for the hospital that things start to go seriously wrong. Just a few weeks later Gary is alone with a newborn and a mountain of medical bills he has no means to pay for. Desperate for help, he calls on Molly's long estranged sister, Suzanne.
Many authors have tackled the challenges of love and marriage. Leavitt claims the turf in her own exciting way, twisting and turning a medical nightmare into an opportunity for redemption and hope.
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