Vincent Van Gogh

The Letters of Vincent van Gogh

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  • Ellada Acompartió una citahace 2 años
    When the apple is ripe, a soft breeze will make it fall from the tree
  • Ellada Acompartió una citahace 2 años
    I’m getting on well here, I’ve got a lovely home & I’m finding it very pleasurable taking a look at London & the English way of life & the English people themselves, & then I’ve got nature & art & poetry, & if that isn’t enough, what is?
  • Ellada Acompartió una citahace 2 años
    And then there are painters who never do anything that is no good, who cannot do anything bad, just as there are ordinary people who can do nothing but good.
  • Ellada Acompartió una citahace 2 años
    Admire as much as you can, most people don’t admire enough.
  • Ellada Acompartió una citahace 2 años
    Do go on doing a lot of walking & keep up your love of nature, for that is the right way to understand art better & better. Painters understand nature & love her & teach us to see.
  • Ellada Acompartió una citahace 2 años
    & if that isn’t enough, what is?
  • Ellada Acompartió una citahace 2 años
    Do go on doing a lot of walking & keep up your love of nature, for that is the right way to understand art better & better. Painters understand nature & love her & teach us to see.
  • Ellada Acompartió una citahace 2 años
    That a woman is a ‘quite different being’ from a man, & a being we do not yet know, or at best only superficially, as you put it, yes, that I am sure of. And that a woman & a man can become one, that is, one whole & not two halves, I believe that too.
  • Ellada Acompartió una citahace 2 años
    If that kind of book teaches us anything it is that there is much more to love than people generally suppose
  • Ellada Acompartió una citahace 2 años
    That does not mean there are no old women, only that a woman does not grow old as long as she loves & is loved
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