Dori Hillestad Butler

Alexandra Hopewell, Labor Coach

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By the time Alex Hopewell breaks her third egg in her fifth grade class’s Family Life Unit, she’s earned the nickname “Alex Hopeless.” Since Mrs. Ryder won’t trust her with an egg, she has to write a report about child development. That’s when Alex announces that she is going to be her mom’s labor coach. There’s only one problem—she hasn’t told her mom yet! Things don’t always go easily for Alex. Her parents talked to Mrs. Ryder at the beginning of the year about her learning disorder, but Alex still thinks Mrs. Ryder hates her. Somehow Alex knows everything will be fine if only she can be there when the baby is born. Finally, her parents agree. Then Alex’s mother goes into labor early, and Alex gets a chance to prove what a great kid she really is.
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