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Edgar Cayce

The Power of Your Mind

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Recognized seer Edgar Cayce explains the origin and destiny of mind and its amazing potential as he shows us how to expand our consciousness beyond self and explains the influential mind-body connection that means so much to our health: physically, emotionally, and mentally. In this fascinating book, Cayce illustrates how “thoughts are things,” that may become “crimes or miracles” in our lives. He explains how by changing our thinking patterns, we can change our life for the better. He gives a unique view into our mind at sleep—describing the influences motivating our dreams and visions, and showing us how to better interpret them. He clarifies why the dreaming mind is so much more important to us than we realize.
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172 páginas impresas
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  • Reza Aprianocompartió una citahace 7 años
    the Mind is the active forces
  • Reza Aprianocompartió una citahace 7 años
    we are gradually builded to that image created within our own mental being

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