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Mary Miller

Aim Your Brain® At Usmle Step 1

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Please select the ONE BEST answer:

1. You are a medical student preparing to take the USMLE Step 1 exam. Which of the following best expresses your innermost thoughts?

(A) I hate multiple-choice exams.

(B) I wish there were a better way to prepare for the test.

© I know the material, but I don't do well on standardized exams.

(D) I worry about the consequences of not passing.

(E) All of the above.

Answer: E

The multiple-choice question above strikes fear into the heart of every medical student. They must all pass USMLE “board” and NBME “shelf” exams. As a clinical professor who teaches medical students and residents, author Mary K. Miller has seen some of her best and brightest students stumble when taking multiple-choice tests. To help them, she has developed the Aim Your Brain Study System. Her techniques include: Laying the foundation for how to study for USMLE Step 1; Using the AIM YOUR BRAIN Study System to overcome the “I hate multiple-choice exams” mindset; and helping students overcome test anxiety and other difficult issues.
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