None of us can control the fact that there are some annoying tasks and obligations we’re required to do in life, but we can control how we do those things and the way we think about them.
missallysonmissycompartió una citahace 10 meses
the more immersed you are and the fewer distractions you indulge in, the quicker the work goes and the less tired you feel.
EMPIRE TRADING (MikeWill)compartió una citahace 10 meses
“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.” —Carl Sandburg
Aomi Sancompartió una citaanteayer
parking on the downhill slope”: sketching out in writing what your next step is likely to be
Ivana Popovićcompartió una citahace 6 días
Pomodoro Technique, which is a simple time management method that involves twenty-five-minute focused work intervals (pomodoros) followed by five-minute breaks, with a longer break after four cycles
Suzanne Marie Gil C Sedanocompartió una citahace 15 días
Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.” —Carl Sandburg
Srishtika Raikwarcompartió una citahace 10 meses
Being engaged in deep work can feel great—and procrastinators are sometimes surprised by just how much they can do once they’ve gotten started. But resist the temptation to do just five more minutes, even if you’re feeling really engaged.
Harrisha Jayaganthancompartió una citahace 10 meses
he entire system falls apart if you’re muddling through your work with half a brain or thinking about all the things you’re going to do while you’re supposed to be relaxing.