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Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma is a Canadian writer and leadership speaker, best known for his The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari series. Formerly a litigation lawyer, he walked away from his legal career at age 25 due to dissatisfaction with his life, and self-published MegaLiving, a guide to stress management which incorporated both western and eastern spirituality techniques. He initially also self-published The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, which was then picked up for wider distribution by HarperCollins and became a Canadian and international bestseller.

In his experience of over 20 years, Sharma has spoken for organizations such as Nike, Microsoft, PwC and HP. His presentations are based on his book, The Leader Who Had No Title, in which he tries to deliver the message that anyone in any role can be a leader. Sharma’s speaking engagements are arranged through The Harry Walker Agency.

He has since published 11 other books, and founded the leadership training firm Sharma Leadership International. In 2007, an independent survey of businesspeople named Sharma as one of the most influential leadership gurus in the world.
vida del autor: 18 Marzo 1965 actualidad


Maksim Batiukcompartió una citahace 2 años
if you make even one person smile during your day or brighten the mood of even one stranger, your day has been a worthwhile one.
Maksim Batiukcompartió una citahace 2 años
Maintaining a daily journal is one of the best personal growth initiatives you will ever take. Writing down your daily experiences along with the lessons you have drawn from them will make you wiser with each passing day. You will develop self – awareness and make fewer mistakes. And keeping a journal will help clarify your intentions so that you remain focused on the things that truly count
Maksim Batiukcompartió una citahace 2 años
A journal is not a diary. A diary is a place where your record events while a journal is a place where you analyze and evaluate them. Keeping a journal encourages you to consider what you do, why you do it and what you have learned from all you have done


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    Robin Sharma
    The 5AM Club
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  • sammycompartió su opiniónel año pasado
    🎯Justo en el blanco

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    Robin Sharma
    The 5AM Club
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