Lana Del Rey

  • Douaa Benkhalfiacompartió una citahace 2 años
    But alas this is a real life - and it’s been a real fight just to

    keep my mind from committing treason.
  • Douaa Benkhalfiacompartió una citahace 2 años

    I know I’m bad but I have nowhere else to go can I come

    home now?

    I never had a mother

    will you let me make the sun my own now

    and the ocean my son
  • Douaa Benkhalfiacompartió una citahace 2 años
    so just love me by doing nothing

    except for perhaps by not shaking the county line.

    I’m yours if you’ll have me

    quietly or loudly

    sincerely your daughter


    you’re mine.
  • Douaa Benkhalfiacompartió una citahace 2 años
    May my eyes always stay level to the horizon

    may they never gaze as high as heaven

    to ask why

    The whys in this lifetime i’ve found

    are inconsequential compared to the magic of the nowness

    which is the solution to most questions
  • Douaa Benkhalfiacompartió una citahace 2 años
    like sometimes i’m afraid my sadness is too big

    and that one day you might have to help me handle it

    but until then-

    May i always keep my eyes level to this skyline

    assessing the glittering new development

    off the coast of Long Beach

    never to heaven
  • Douaa Benkhalfiacompartió una citahace 2 años
    Because i have faith in man as strange as that seems

    in times like these

    and it’s not just because of the warmth i’ve found in your

    brown eyes-

    it’s because I believe in the goodness in me

    that it’s firm enough to plant a flag in

    or a rosebud

    or to build a new life.
  • Douaa Benkhalfiacompartió una citahace 2 años
    Match the sun that’s slowly sinking

    at the height of afternoon

    In the heat of summer evening

    Like a phoenix like a chemtrail like a wavelength No

    one’s claiming
  • Douaa Benkhalfiacompartió una citahace 2 años
    Don’t tell anyone but

    part of my reasoning for taking the flight class was this idea

    that if i could become my own navigator- a captain of the sky

    that perhaps i could stop looking for direction- from you.

    Well, wha
  • Douaa Benkhalfiacompartió una citahace 2 años
    I could have said something but i was quiet

    because pilots aren’t like poets

    they don’t make metaphors between life and the sky.
  • Douaa Benkhalfiacompartió una citael año pasado
    I acknowledged who you were for the first time.

    I didn’t call you by any other name

    I let you know that I knew the true nature of your heart-

    that it was evil

    that it convinced me that darkness is real

    that the devil is a real devil

    and that monsters don’t always know they are monsters.
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