John Robb

Punk Rock

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  • Валерия Копировскаяcompartió una citahace 6 años
    You could go anywhere in the UK and speak to anyone who had spiky hair. It was a secret society, a world within a world, with the most intense and glorious soundtrack, the best clothes, the fiercest debate, the most idealistic politics. It changed everybody’s life who was touched by it
  • Валерия Копировскаяcompartió una citahace 6 años
    Punk rock was a culture war. You were either on the bus or off the bus.
  • Валерия Копировскаяcompartió una citahace 6 años
    Punk was like we didn’t have a map and we
    didn’t have an address. It was like someone
    nicking a car and saying, ‘Who’s coming?’
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