bookmate game
Dave Drayton

The Art of Being Alone

  • roubajjicompartió una citahace 20 días
    Being alone? It’s not a death sentence. It’s a damn privilege. You’re hanging with the coolest person: yourself
  • roubajjicompartió una citahace 20 días
    To quote Taylor Swift (yes, I’m going there),
    “the scary thing is, you’re on your own now. But the cool thing is, you’re on your own now.”
  • roubajjicompartió una citahace 20 días
    I felt like I was under some imaginary spotlight. Every giggle, every whisper, every look felt like a judgment. Even when no one gave a damn.
  • roubajjicompartió una citahace 20 días
    Who the hell needs critics when you’re your own harshest one?
  • roubajjicompartió una citahace 20 días
    the greatest ideas, the most profound thoughts, they all spark in solitude.
  • roubajjicompartió una citahace 20 días
    “You'll stop worrying what others think about you when you realize how seldom they do.”
  • roubajjicompartió una citahace 20 días
    Our dreams get buried under 'what will they think.'
  • roubajjicompartió una citahace 20 días
    The idea of being the odd one out, the misfit, is scarier than any ghost story.
  • roubajjicompartió una citahace 20 días
    "Maybe if I reprogram my personality, friends will stick around."
  • roubajjicompartió una citahace 20 días
    Why the hell did alone-time, once considered sacred introspection, become a modern-day Voldemort? A name we dare not utter?
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