MEd,Joan Friedlander,Rosalind Joffe

Women, Work, and Autoimmune Disease

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Women, Work, and Autoimmune Disease is a book for women who live with chronic illness, encouraging them to stay employed to preserve their independence and sense of self. Rich with information and inspiration, it is the voice of warmth, wisdom, understanding, and compassion. Filled with tips, tricks and first-person accounts from women who have made similar choices in their own lives, this unique book is a resounding call for self-reliance and resilience. The book identifies the factors that making working particularly difficult for women with autoimmune disease, and then offers practical suggestions to address them.
The authors take a hard, yet inspirational look at what it takes be successful in a job, including developing strategies and tactics, evaluating communication skills, building a support team and considerations for self-employment.
Women, Work, and Autoimmune Disease covers issues such as:

The complex nature of autoimmune diseaseThe correlation between disease, diagnosis, and career developmentHow life-changing strategies and concrete tactics can allow you to discover the spirit within
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179 páginas impresas
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