Ellen Jones

The Queens of Love and War

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Three engrossing historical novels—in one volume—bring the Plantagenets and the splendor and scheming of twelfth-century Europe to vivid life. In The Fatal Crown, set against the seething political intrigues of twelfth-century Europe, two royal heirs surrender to passion as they vie for the most glittering, treacherous prize of all: the English throne. At twenty-five, the widowed Maud must marry once again, this time to fourteen-year-old Geoffrey Plantagenet. But it is with Stephen of Blois, Maud’s fiercest rival for the British throne, that the headstrong princess discovers the true meaning of desire.
In Beloved Enemy, Aquitaine is under the French king’s safekeeping, and Eleanor, the Duke of Aquitaine’s eldest daughter, knows she must wed Prince Louis in order to insure the future of her beloved duchy. Fiercely independent, filled with untapped desire, the woman who would be queen must provide Louis VII, her monkish husband, with heirs. But it is young Henry of Anjou who catches Eleanor’s eye—and sets fire to her heart.
And in Gilded Cages, Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry Plantagenet—whose marriage was born of power, politics, and an all-consuming, fiery love—rule a vast kingdom. At first they work to unify and repair their war-torn lands—before being torn apart by intrigue, adultery, and deadly revenge.
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