James Goll

The Lifestyle of a Watchman: A 21-Day Journey to Becoming a Guardian in Prayer

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Unique, Powerful Call to the Front Lines of PrayerFrom bestselling author James W. Goll, a strategic prophetic leader in global intercessory prayer, comes an in-depth journey into the heart of what it means to be a "watchman on the wall." Designed for serious worshipers and intercessors, this unique 21-day journey will help you move to the front lines of prayer--becoming more alert to the presence of God and praying his will with confidence.With reflection questions, devotional prayers, and practical application, this book will help you · discern the specific spiritual atmosphere around you· discover the strategies of God for certain times· pray more effectively for others· understand how to intercede for current eventsWalking in the lifestyle of a watchman means that you can be the sentinel that God is calling his mature intercessors to be. Learn to partner with the strategies of heaven and step boldly into your calling.
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