Dan Crompton

A Classical Primer

Didn't take Classics at school? Or maybe you've forgotten most of what you once knew? To save you looking it up, Classics is the study of the culture of the ancient Greeks and Romans, and takes in all aspects of their life and learning — from the languages to literature, philosophy, art, and much more besides. A Classical Primer is an accessible and enjoyable look back at classical civilization; how they lived, and how many aspects of our own daily lives have been directly influenced by theirs, from roads and concrete, to central heating, the twelve-month calendar, cranes and even the modern-day favourite, pizza! This handy, informative and enjoyable book is the perfect primer for people of all ages, and shows that even a basic knowledge of Classics is not only essential, bus also incredibly fascinating.
143 páginas impresas
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Michael O'Mara Books
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