Ukwe Jude

Trinitarian Family

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This eBook displays the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity from social science perspective under Creation Sociology. The Trinitarian family unit is a building block of society. Trinitarian Doctrine embedded in the family unit shows Trinitarian signature in creation. Thus, in transposition, the family father reflects God the Father; the family mother, God the Son; and the family child, God the Holy Spirit. In this respect, the family father holds primacy, the bank of strength and resource as God the father holds primacy, the Bank of the Divinity; the mother is the gateway to her husband as God the Son is the Gateway to God the Father. The couple bond of love in the family unit reflects the Divine Bond in the Divinity. And the family child, born from the couple bond between the father and mother through reproduction transposes from double procession of the Holy Spirit from the Divine Bond between God the Father and the Son through Divine Generation of Godhead. Trinitarian family unit reposes like the Holy Trinity. Conclusions are drawn from the exposition.
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