Norm Ledgin

Asperger's and Self-Esteem

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The author of Diagnosing Jefferson introduces twelve more high-achieving role models who have made significant contributions to our world.  Roles models include: Einstein Mozart Darwin Jefferson Welles Levent Robeson Curie Mendel Mozart Bartok Sagan Gould Hartford  All exhibited traits common to people with Asperger's Syndrome. Today's young people and adults with AS can also make a difference if they are given support, opportunities, and the freedom to explore their abilities. Many accomplished people have been loners, self-taught, obsessed by an idea, and known for their lack of social skills. How many of them would be diagnosed with Asperger's today? Norm Ledgin makes convincing arguments for an Asperger's role in each of their extraordinary lives.  Helpful chapters include: A Challenge for Parents, Teachers, and Health-Care Professionals The Lonely Perspective of the Asperger’s Child Dealing with Fixations that Drive Us Nuts A Ride in the Time Machine of Logic Finding and Offering Relevant Role Models Surprising and Strange Parallels A New Look at the Concept of Genius Our Discomforts—Their Rights Choosing to be Gentle on Their Minds Parents as Role Models
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