Laura Lovecraft

Mom For My Birthday

It's Justin's birthday, but so far there isn't much to celebrate. His girlfriend dumped him, his parents have been fighting, and he just accidentally sent a text to his mother asking for a blow job for his birthday that was meant for his ex. Things get better when Mom decides Justin should get whatever he wants for his birthday and it won't just be the candles being blown out.

~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~

“Why are we coming in here?” Justin asked as his mother led him into the living room.

“Its where I wanted to give you your gift.” She stopped and gestured to Dad’s recliner. “Have a seat.”

“Okay,” Justin sat and looked around. “Where’s the gift?”

“You’re looking at it,” Mom gave him a big smile. “Hair down or back like this?”


“Do you think I look better with my hair down or in a ponytail? I can pin it up to if you like that look.”

Justin had no idea what her hair had to do with anything but humored her.

“I like it better down?”

“Then down it is,” Mom reached back and removed the clip from her hair.

She shook her head, sending her long reddish brown hair flying about, then pulled some of it down over her shoulders. “Better?”


“You like the red?”

“Uh, yeah, I said I liked your dress.” What was up with her?

“I mean the lipstick. Does this work or would you prefer pink, or something darker?”

“Mom, your lipstick is fine. What’s with the questions?”

“Just want to make sure I look good for you.”

“You look great. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, honey,” Mom stepped up to stand between his legs and placed her hand on his cheek. “You’re pretty fine yourself. I think I’m going to enjoy this as much as you.”

“Enjoy what?”

“Your gift, silly.” Mom leaned over and shocked him by giving him a quick kiss directly on his lips. “Sorry,” she replied to the look of surprise on his face. “I just wanted a kiss first, otherwise I’d feel cheap.”

“Cheap? Mom, what’s…hey, what are you doing?”

Mom had not only sunk to her knees, but had her hands on his jeans, unsnapping them.

“I’m doing what you wanted.” Mom popped his jeans open and he was so stunned he didn’t move as she tugged his zipper down.

“I…Mom, what the…?” Justin gasped when she slid her right hand into his jeans and gripped him through his boxers. “You can’t do that.”

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away.

Mom stared up at him, looking confused.

“Well how am I supposed to suck it if I can’t take it out?”

“W…what?” Justin couldn’t have heard her right.

“You said you wanted a blow job for your birthday.”
71 páginas impresas
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