Ukwe Jude

Holy Trinity in Special Relationship with Mary

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The eBook presents from Scriptural Mariology, exposition on how the Blessed Virgin Mary connects with God the Holy Trinity in an awesome way as Daughter of the Eternal Father, Mother of the Son and Spouse of the Holy Spirit. This special relationship she alone possesses it directly; all others derive theirs through Jesus Christ her Son. It states the she also enjoys unique privileges not given to others such as the Immaculate Conception, the Perpetual Virginity, the Assumption into Heaven and the subsequent Coronation in Heaven. The presentation shows that she on her own part cooperated with grace, and achieved great merits through her heroic practice of piety, virtues and holiness. It affirms her role and life in the mystery of Christ’s life, with Him as: Second Adam and Eve, Sufferer and Dolorosa, Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart, etc; also, the same in the mystery of the Church as: the Neck of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Ark of the New Testament, the Mother of the Church, her intercessory powers between Christ and mankind, etc. The presentation exposes the Children of Mary as special followers and imitators known as the cult of Mary; that they are favored by the Holy Trinity above others as a result of Mary’s maternal authority, closeness and intervention. Then, the Glories of Mary is presented to show her superlative favors, power, glorious Catena and Litanies. Then, conclusions are drawn from the exposition.
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129 páginas impresas
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