
His Last Client

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What happens when an occasional prostitute meets a client he can't help but fall in love with?
Gib Schultz works as a bartender at The Melia Hotel in downtown Atlanta. When Gib needs some extra cash, he sells his body occasionally. It's not the best job in the world, but it keeps a roof over his head. When one of his regular clients asks him for a favour, Gib isn't sure about the guy he's supposed to meet. Yet at double his normal price, he's willing to risk it. Within minutes, he discovers he's risking more than just his body, he's risking his heart.
Edwin Masters is back in the States after spending several months reporting in war-torn countries around the world. He's looking for a night or two of fun, and when he meets Gib, he's sure it'll be a great time. Then after spending time with Gib, he realises there's more to the guy than he thought, and his heart tells him it might be time to take a risk on loving someone.
They're both risking their hearts, and together, they have to decide if the reward is worth the risk.
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