Lisa Hammond

Permission to Dream Journal

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The author of Permission to Dream and Stepping Stones offers a motivational journal with prompts to help readers live their wildest dreams.
In our busy day-to-day lives, it can be difficult to discern what our true dreams and passions are. The Permission to Dream Journal is designed to help readers discover their dreams and start turning them into reality. As a successful entrepreneur and author, Lisa Hammond shares her own experience and wisdom to readers, along with quotes from other great role models like Oprah Winfrey, Dolly Parton, Helen Keller, Eleanor Roosevelt, and others.
Each section of this unique journal begins with a wish list and various prompts like “What is your craziest dream? What would it take to accomplish it? Make a to-do list. Put your passions at the top of the list,” which readers respond to with their own Dream Doodles and Creative Collaging. The Permission to Dream Journal helps readers not only to dream, but to make their dreams happen on their own terms.
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