Maxine Marsh

The Return

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Tough but solitary Michelle returns home after her sister’s death to rediscover lost love and a secret that could be her demise.

Michelle Collins, a world-class free diver and rough-around-the-edges free spirit, swore she would never return to her home town of Callus, a remote and tropical island in the Florida Keys. She hates the place, but when her twin sister, Melanie, commits suicide she goes back to wrap things up.

Plagued by regrets, paranoia and illness, she is surprised to rediscover her first love, the adorable and responsible Nolan Hyde. As she begins to put the pieces together of what her sister’s life was like in Callus, she is faced with a strange stalker, conflicting information about her family history and a resistant town matriarch.

As her romance with Nolan turns dark and intense, she is forced to make a decision that will have major implications—to leave the past, Nolan and Callus behind, or to stay and find the truth about her sister, her past and her future.
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