Susan Adams

Bride and Groom Happiness Test

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All those little differences that seem trivial when you're falling in love can become major issues once passion cools with the reality of living together. The Bride and Groom Happiness Test asks hundreds of questions for couples to answer together on topics such as sex, in-laws, having children, pets, cooking, food preferences, exercise and fitness, housecleaning, traveling, household economics, interior decorating, religion and politics. For example:1. When people criticize my eating habits, I:a. Want to slap them but don't.b. Want to slap them and do.c. Appreciate their concern.d. Ignore them.e. Change my habits (at least for the moment).2. True/False: I believe most politicians have, at one time or another, taken a bribe or been influenced by wealthy contributors.3. True/False: I expect a lot of sexual experimentation to be part of our marriage.Probing the psyche of one's beloved has never been so enlightening or entertaining.
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