Jackie Collins

World Is Full of Married Men

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First published in 1968, The World is Full of Married Men was branded as &quote;shocking,&quote; especially coming from a female author but despite being banned in several countries for its scandalous content became a #1 bestseller in just two weeks! Always ahead of her time, in her racy debut, Jackie Collins flips on its head the hypocritical double standard of it being okay for men to sleep around but not for women.Successful London ad executive David Cooper is still sexy at forty. Plus, he's got money and power, and therefore, any woman he wants for as long as he wants. His marriage to his nagging wife, Linda, has never gotten in the way of that. When gorgeous starlet Claudia Parker enters the picture, he becomes so smitten that he's ready to divorce Linda to marry Claudia. But Claudia has no intentions of being shackled by a ring on her finger. When the relationship falls apart, he vies to get his wife back. Except Linda's already moved on, swept up in a racy romance with Hollywood producer Jay Grossman. Despite David's pleas, there's no way she's giving up her glamorous new lifestyle for the likes of him. David soon becomes a broken shell of a man, facing his fifties alone. As his once-meteoric career success takes a catastrophic dive, he finds comfort in the bottle and in the arms of his dowdy secretary, Harriet, while Linda's life only gets better. Will there be a redemption for David? Or will karma get the last laugh in this sizzling, fast-paced, and thoroughly entertaining page-turner--the novel that launched Collins into her role as the Queen of flashy fiction.Read both of The World is Full series, as well as all the New York Times bestselling books by Jackie Collins! 1. The World is Full of Married Men2. The World is Full of Divorced WomenThe Stud Series1. The Stud2. The BitchThe Lucky Santangelo series1. Chances2. Lucky3. Lady Boss4. Vendetta: Lucky's Revenge5. Dangerous Kiss6. Drop Dead Beautiful7. Poor Little Bitch Girl8. Goddess of Vengeance9. Confessions of a Wild Child — Lucky: The Early Years 10. The Santangelos11. A Santangelo Story
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