Sean Michael


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Christian needs what Peter has to give him, but will he let himself have it?

With Toby’s stalker behind bars, Damon and Toby can relax and enjoy their relationship, sinking into basking and reveling in each other.

Things are just heating up for Peter and Christian, though. A former soldier, Christian still hasn’t found his subspace and he’s worried it either doesn’t exist or he’s simply doing it wrong. Peter has as much patience as he needs, though, and he slowly pushes Christian to the edges of his limits, doing everything he can to help Christian grow and flourish.

Christian’s training and the café they’re opening create good excuses for Christian to keep from submitting, even though, deep down, it’s what he really wants. Peter’s perseverance will have to work overtime to overcome them.

Will Christian ever give in to the things he knows he needs? Only time will tell.

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