Sally Spedding

Cold Remains

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When Jason Robbins arrives at the eerie Heron House in deepest Carmarthenshire for a writing course, he soon meets its two weird servants who seem to exercise a sinister power over their scheming employer, Monty Flynn. Another newcomer is Helen Jenkins, a cook, to whom Jason is instantly attracted. Together they discover what dangers really lurk behind those ivy-clad walls. How the terrible post-war past bleeds into the present when the tormented soul of the young woman haunting them will stop at nothing to have her story told. But is her version of events to be trusted? And at what cost to Jason and Helen when they attempt to find out the truth?


“A creepy and suspenseful read.” Lucy O'Connor, Waterstones

“…the most complex, incredible, yet realistic Gordian knot I’ve read of in a very long time – if ever.” Mallory Forbes, Mallory Heart Reviews
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