Janice Sims

Escape with Me

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{"strong"=>["Could the safest place be in his arms? "]}
Desperate to escape the media firestorm surrounding her duplicitous late husband, San Francisco designer Lana Corday flees to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Her idyllic seaside home is the perfect place for a fresh start…especially when Lana meets sexy hunk Tennison West. But is the enigmatic filmmaker a man she can rely on or just another disappointment waiting to happen? Getting Lana to let down her guard will take patience…and passion.
Their mounting desire threatens to blow Ten’s cover, yet neither of them wants to turn back now. But once Lana discovers why Ten really came to isolated Pea Island, how will the FBI Special Agent ever regain her trust? As danger looms, Ten must succeed in his most important mission or risk losing the woman who’s claimed his heart…
{"em"=>["Kimani Hotties: It’s All About Our Men"]}
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