Kate Fox

Winterwood Academy Book 3: Hunted

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Everyone around me gets hurt.I hate the thought of leaving my friends alone, but the Winterwood Academy is no longer a safe haven for me. Everybody thinks that I'm dead and I want to keep it that way before the one who put me six feet under learns that I'm back from the dead.But before I have time to escape, the arrival of my father and the Witch Council brings a whole new set of troubles my way.Not only am I to discover that I have a twin sister, but someone I trusted has betrayed me. I have to get away from this cursed academy.An inexperienced witch like me wouldn't last long in the real world. I'm glad Merrin found me a place to stay with a nice old lady and a seriously hot grandson — Matthew.Stay low, resist the urge to tell someone I care that I'm alive, and don't draw attention to myself. That's what I should do. It shouldn't be hard, but nothing in my life is ever easy.A crazy attraction for Matthew and bumping into an old friend and my former nemesis at a party are the least of my problems. Add an almost deadly werewolf attack, a sexy hunter with a short temper, and you have the perfect recipe for disaster.How am I supposed to get my life together when everything just keeps exploding in my face?
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