OTR,Laura L. Olsonoski,OTD

Strawbert’s Sensational Story: Helping Children Build a Positive Relationship With Food

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It’s time for Strawbert to experience the world with all of his senses. His parents offer good advice: You might not like something at first. You might not even be sure about it the second time. But remember, it’s important to try ten times before really knowing what your body thinks. Strawbert’s friends join him on this adventure of savory smells, sensational sounds, spectacular sights, tantalizing tastes, and tremendous textures.

Strawbert’s Sensational Story tells a fun and interactive tale that shows children eating doesn’t have to be scary, but rather an exciting multiple-step adventure, exploring and building a positive relationship with food.

Praise for Strawbert’s Sensational Story

“Strawbert’s Sensational Story is a great therapy tool for Feeding Therapists using a systematic desensitization approach to teaching children about food. It helps to turn the work of learning about eating into an adventure! … ”

—Kay A. Toomey, PhD, Clinical Director, SOS Feeding Solutions @ STAR
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