Hari Sharma,James G.Meade,Rama Mishra

The Answer to Cancer

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“The public hasn't had the first clue about how to prevent cancer. This book provides that clue and more. This offers effective prevention if people follow the guidelines.” -Christopher S. Clark, M.D.The Raj – Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center”Charming and fun to read. It is not just a cancer book, it gives people an opportunity to learn simple, yet powerful techniques for staying fit without tough diets or impossible workout programs.”-Jay Glaser, M.D. Medical Director, Lancaster Ayurveda Medical Center. Simple, natural things are the answer to cancer! Sound too easy? Here a Western research physician teams with an Eastern Ayurvedic to explain how ancient “secrets” — that you can do from home! — make it difficult for cancer to ever get started.
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