Yunhee Yi

ABRSM & RCM Music Theory for Beginners

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RCM Music Theory/ ABRSM Music Theory Warm-up!
After completing this book, please start the Music Theory GRADE 1. It can accelerate your comprehension and allow you to shorten your exam-preparation time!
The information in this book can be studied and learned by a student alone or with a teacher.
If you have a good understanding of major and minor keys, you could read the entire book in less than 2 hours!
I highly recommend this book to the following people:
— Students preparing to study in the UK, USA, and Canada
Students who are able to warm up by themselves before learning ABRSM MUSIC THEORY and RCM MUSIC THEORY GRADE1.
— Learners of all ages who need basic music theory
Those able to learn the basic concepts of rhythm and melody easily and simply.
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