Larry Kramer


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“[Larry Kramer’s] MarketWatch.com is not just my favorite business website, it’s my personal homepage.” —Warren Buffett
“[Larry Kramer] is the toughest and most ethical foe imaginable. His observations reflect a deep understanding of how the media works and what consumers want.” —Jim Cramer
From Larry Kramer, the founder of MarketWatch.com and former president of CBS Digital Media, comes a bold, pioneering report on what businesses must do to survive and thrive in the digital media revolution. Using case studies of companies such as Apple, Procter & Gamble, Netflix, and GE, Kramer not only draws a clear map of twenty-first century commerce, but charts the way forward. Readers wondering how to implement digital-age business strategies like those found in Clay Shirky’s Here Comes Everybody, Chris Anderson’s The Long Tail, or Jeff Jarvis’ What Would Google Do, look no further than Kramer’s groundbreaking C-Scape.
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