Ukwe Jude

Trinitarian Doctrine Hoisted on the Holy Word

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The eBook delivers exposition on Trinitarian Christianity. Such carries the complete Word of God that hoists the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity in the Tripod Balance of Truth. In this way in transposition, there is Trinity of complete Word of God as there is Trinity of Persons in the Holy Trinity. And, the complete Word of God in Tradition, Bible and Magisterium reflects from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, respectively. The kind of origination shown in the Tripod Balance is a reflection of the origination expressed in the Divinity of God. The complete Word of God is the yardstick used by Holy Trinity to measure the level of grace any Christian church receives from God under Christianity. The implication is that one who possesses only the Bible has one-third of patrimony of God’s Treasure of grace bequeathed to the Church; he who has only Tradition and Bible has two-thirds; and he who has Tradition, Bible and Supreme Magisterium has fullness of the Treasury. Any rejection in the Tripod Balance is a rejection of the respective Divine Person transposed by it. This forms the bases for the pattern of judgment prepared by the Holy Trinity to be exposed to all Christian churches in the latter age of the Church. Then conclusions are drawn from the presentation.
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