Frederic Seebohm

The English Village Community

Frederic Seebohm's 'The English Village Community' is a seminal work providing a detailed examination of the development and structure of the traditional English village community. Written in a scholarly and authoritative tone, the book delves into the economic, social, and political aspects of village life, offering a comprehensive look at a vital aspect of English society. Seebohm's thorough research and meticulous analysis make this book a must-read for anyone interested in the history of rural communities in England. The author's narrative style, filled with rich historical detail and insightful observations, paints a vivid picture of village life during the medieval period. His use of primary sources and in-depth examination of land ownership and communal relationships provide a valuable resource for scholars and history enthusiasts alike. Readers will walk away from this book with a deeper understanding of the evolution of English villages and the complex dynamics that shaped their development.
523 páginas impresas
Propietario de los derechos de autor
Publicación original
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Good Press
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