Irfan Alli

Condominiums and Townhouses – What You Need to Know Before and After Buying

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Condominiums are going up in cities all over the world at a rapid pace. For many people it will be their first home. Many buy without knowing what they are getting themselves into. In this book you will:
1. Explore whether condominium living is for you.
2. Come to understand the different types of condominiums.
3. Be introduced to various legal condominium documents.
4. Understand what you own if you buy a condominium.
5. Learn how a condominium is run, and the role of the Board.
6. Understand how and where maintenance fees are spent.
7. Explore your rights and responsibilities as an owner.
8. Narrow down which condominium is right for you.
9. Learn to protect your investment if buying a new condominium.
10.Know what to look for in a real estate agent.
11.Find out about other professionals who can help you.
12.Learn what a Reserve Fund Study is.
13.And much more.
Find out what you need to know before and after buying a Condominium or Townhouse by reading this book.
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