bookmate game
JG Leathers

Kristal's Changed Life

My name is Kristal Strang and I am now a rubber animal. JG LeatherÕs brings us another wild tale that only he can tell. KristalÕs Changed Life, inspired by CelineÕs Seduction to Rubber, is the story of Kristal Strang and her unwilling rubber transformation. Kristal, your average nineteen year old, had lost her mother at an early age. Wild, rebellious and flaunting a great body, she has to try everything at least once; drugs, alcohol, and tons of sex. Thinking she is fooling her strict and dominant father, she goes so far as to have an affair with an older woman whom she looks to for motherly advice. Unfortunately for Kristal, her father knows all after having her spied on by private investigators. After months of conversations, renovations and planning, he informs Kristal they are moving out to the country. She is devastated by the news, but is definitely not prepared for what comes next. When arriving at the new estate, Kristal is introduced to Frau Baxter, her new governess. At dinner, it is explained to her that though she is nineteen, she is to be fiercely disciplined by the domineering woman. Kristal finds herself very drowsy after dinner and lets Frau Baxter lead her to her rooms for sleep. Groggily the next morning, she wakes to find she has been completely bound to her bed by her wrists, neck and ankles. Shrieking and sobbing, Kristal is inconsolable. The worst, however, is when Frau Baxter explains that this is indeed part of her ÒcorrectionÓ and she is now completely under her control. After a harrowing first day, where she is stripped of all hair, force fed a gluey mush substance, is encased in her Initial Training Ensemble and sent to the ÒContemplation ChamberÓ, Kristal is frantic and cannot understand why her father would do this to her. Little does she know that this first part will be the easiest.
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  • anastasia9099compartió una citahace 3 años
    shrill voice, nearly in hysterical tears. “I demand that you free me this instant!!”

    “Kristal!” she spoke with calm cold deliberation, “Don’t you ever again dare to raise your voice to me in that manner, or you will be extremely sorry! Your new jewellery has been fitted to keep you under control, as must be patently obvious, even to you. What you wear now are only the temporary versions of what you will soon wear on a permanent basis, and they are only the very first stages of the full ensemble that you will soon have to bear.

    “Now, you shall come to the bathroom with me and be given a shower. When you are finished being bathed, I will then dress you in a robe and take you down to breakfast with your father. After that, you will be returned to these rooms and further orientation for entry into your new life will commence.”

    “Frau Baxter?” I gasped in dismay, now badly frightened just by her tone of command and by what she had just said. “What do you mean that I will soon wear more permanent ... th-things, like these? And-and ... you said that there are yet more things that I will be fitted with? What do you mean?”

    “All will be revealed to you in due course, my girl!” she replied, once more fixing her icy eyes upon me. “It is yet too early in your training to reveal the full breadth and depth of what is to come. You will learn more soon enough.”

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