Andrew Frediani


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A gripping historical thriller and third instalment in the Rome's Invincibles saga. The battle for control of Rome continues. Will Octavian succeed in defeating the dangerous pirate Sextus Pompeius?
Octavian has defeated and killed Caesar's assassins, but the road to absolute power is still long and treacherous. Threat now comes from Sextus Pompeius — a cunning pirate active along the Italian coasts, who terrorises Perugia's citizens with his constant attacks.
Octavian and his associates don't have time to celebrate their victory in the final battle in the civil war before another even more bloody threat arises: the one presented by Sextus Pompeius at sea.
The long campaign against the pirates proves frustrating, and often sees Octavian close to defeat and even death. Everything seems to conspire against him: his enemy appears to be receiving divine assistance, public opinion is against him, the soldiers lack confidence in their commander, and rebellion is just around the corner…
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