Eric Poole

Guns & Ammo Guide to AK-47s

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Everything you need to know about AK-47s from top firearms writers.
The Guns & Ammo Guide to AK-47s is packed with a wealth of valuable information compiled by the foremost firearms writers today. A vast range of topics is covered in these articles, including:
An RPK for America
Guns of the mercenaries
Now: A civilian AKM
Automatic Carbine 5
Molot’s Wild Boar
AK Cutaway
And much more!
Discover tried and true tips, tactics, and techniques from the pros along with guidance on buying gear and firearms from experts including Tom Beckstrand, Jeremy Stafford, David M. Fortier, Jack Lott, and Eric R. Poole. The Guns & Ammo Guide to AK-47s has everything you could want to learn about AK-47s.
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