Penny Bates

The Scream

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No matter how hard Sally tries to forget the past, the scar on her face always reminds her of the time when local bullies set their dogs on her. After her family relocates, she seeks solace in the open moors of Cornwall, but is terrified when she sees the ghostly white hare, reputed to herald a death. Has Sally's newfound peace been disturbed?The Scream is part of the Shades 2.0 series, published by Ransom Publishing, a specialist publisher for reluctant readers and struggling readers. The Shades 2.0 books offer fast-paced, shorter stories (just 64pp each) for older readers who may find longer books too daunting, but who still want the excitement of a great story told with pace and style. The Scream is ideal for reluctant readers aged 12+ with a reading age of 9 – 10 years.
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  • Meleana Tapueluelucompartió su opiniónhace 7 años
    💩Una porquería

    i really enjoyed reading this book. It got me hooked in straight away when i started reading it. lolllzzz!

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