Betty T. Bennett,Stuart Curran

Mary Shelley in Her Times

“Some of the strongest essays of recent times on Shelley’s work . . . A valuable piece of criticism.” —Byron Journal
Mary Shelley is largely remembered as the author of Frankenstein, as the wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley, and as the daughter of William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft. This collection of essays, edited by Betty T. Bennett and Stuart Curran, offers a more complete and complex picture of Mary Shelley—author of six novels, five volumes of biographical lives, two travel books, and numerous short stories, essays, and reviews—emphasizing the full range and significance of her writings in terms of her own era and ours. Mary Shelley in Her Times brings fresh insight to the life and work of an often neglected and misunderstood writer who, the editors remind us, spent nearly three decades at the center of England’s literary world during the country’s profound transition between the Romantic and Victorian eras.
The essays in this volume demonstrate the importance of Mary Shelley’s neglected novels, including MatildaValpergaThe Last Man, and Falkner. Other topics include her work in various literary genres, her editing of her husband’s poetry and prose, her politics, and her trajectory as a female writer. This volume advances Mary Shelley studies to a new level of discourse and raises important issues for English Romanticism and women’s studies.
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