Julian Curry,Derek Jacobi

Derek Jacobi on Malvolio (Shakespeare on Stage)

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In each volume of the Shakespeare on Stage series, a leading actor takes us behind the scenes, recreating in detail a memorable performance in one of Shakespeare’s major roles. They discuss their character, working through the play scene by scene, with refreshing candour and in forensic detail. The result is a masterclass on playing the role, invaluable for other actors and directors, as well as students of Shakespeare — and fascinating for audiences of the play.
In this volume, Derek Jacobi discusses his hilariously poker-faced Malvolio in Michael Grandage's 2008 production of Twelfth Night.
This interview, together with the others in the series (with actors such as Judi Dench, Ian McKellen and Jude Law), is also available in the collection Shakespeare on Stage: Thirteen Leading Actors on Thirteen Key Roles by Julian Curry, with a foreword by Trevor Nunn.
'absorbing and original… Curry's actors are often thinking and talking as that other professional performer, Shakespeare himself, might have done' TLS
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