Ellie Hilbert,Garrett Bruin

Positive Imaging Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle:

Positive Imaging Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Glass Half Full and Power of Positive Thoughts
Have you ever known someone that has dreams, desires, and aspirations but every time they mention them, they immediately put it down in the same breath? Imagine if you were that person? If you always live this way, you will eventually stop dreaming and that is not the way to go. You should never stop dreaming and you should never stop pursuing your goals. While it’s imperative that you act on your dreams and aspirations, it’s even more imperative that you adopt a positive attitude about your actions. Optimism is assuming the best outcome is possible. Pessimism assumes the worst outcome is inevitable. Studies show that optimists are happier, healthier, and generally more successful in all aspects of their lives.
This bundle will teach you all about the power of positive thoughts. You will learn how to always believe the glass is half full. You will discover useful tips on how to develop an optimistic mindset and a positive attitude.
This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks:
Glass Half Full: The Essential Guide on Relentless Optimism, Learn How to Develop Positive Thinking to Discover Unseen Opportunities and Live a Happier LifePower of Positive Thoughts: The Essential Guide on How to Develop Positive Thinking, Discover How Positive Thinking is the Best Tool and Strategy Towards Achieving Success in LifeIt’s important to define and envision what a successful life means for you. Regardless of your circumstances, you can make positive changes that lead to greater success. The way you think determines how you act. That's why it is important to always be guided by optimism. To learn more, download your copy of Positive Imaging 2 in 1 Bundle today!
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Eye On Sound
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