Cate Lawley

Cutthroat Cupcakes

Killer cupcakes?
Seems improbable to Lina, but when an attractive detective snaps cuffs on her and accuses her of witchy crimes she's forced to reconsider.
The murder weapon? A cupcake topper sold in Lina's shop, Sticky, Tricky Treats.
The method? A killing curse.
The curse's origin? Lina…sort of.
Except Lina hadn't a clue that she was a witch, and certainly didn't know she'd accidentally cursed some of her confections.
She's got to catch the killer who used her magic to murder or possibly face a conviction as an accessory.
Now, if only the wizard detective assigned to the case weren't such a distraction.

Cutthroat Cupcakes is a magical witch culinary cozy with a touch of romance, the first of three books in the Cursed Candy Mysteries series!
#1: Cutthroat Cupcakes
#2: Twisted Treats
#3: Fatal Fudge

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Cate Lawley
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