Rick Merlett,Elaine Steven

Customer Culture Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

Customer Culture Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Customer Service the Right Way and How to Keep Your Customers
One of the main reasons why good customer service is so important is it helps you retain loyal customers. Do you have an idea how important and crucial customer retention is? The results of an online loyalty study published in Harvard Business Review reveal that for the typical business, a five-percent increase in customer retention translates to anywhere between a 25 and 95 percent increase in profits. That's the power of customer retention for you! It is more expensive to attract new customers than to retain loyal ones. When customers are happy, they can recommend you to other customers and your business can grow through word of mouth. Studies also show that customers are more likely to remember a negative experience so it is important to make an extra effort in providing excellent customer service. When your customers are happy, they are more likely to do business with you again.
This bundle will teach you all about customer retention. You will learn how to accumulate loyal customers who will always patronize your business. It will teach you how to have happy customers that will serve as your brand advocates who will help promote your business to friends and family.
Customer Service the Right Way: The Essential Guide on the Proven Methods and Best Practices on Maintaining Customer Relations and Providing Excellent Customer Service to Get Loyal CustomersHow to Keep Your Customers: Learn All the Effective Tools and Practices on How to Retain Your Customers Through Exceptional Customer ServiceGet your copy of Customer Culture 2 in 1 Bundle today!
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