Carol Kushner

Love is Not Enough

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Wouldn't you like to have a partner you could rely on? Someone who could be there for you all the time? Someone who would help you overcome challenges and reduce your stress?

If you want to have a successful marriage, you need to be savvy. You can't just get married if you don't have the right tools to make this relationship last long and be beneficial for both sides.

The only thing you need to do if you want to make your relationship and marriage work is to understand the key principles of successful relationships. And this book will show you everything you need to know to make your relationships magical.

Here's a preview of what you'll learn:

How to improve your relationship with your partner and be happier
How to avoid the chance of divorce and avoid losing your partner
How to create a happy family-home relationship that will be emotionally fulfilling
Why you should appreciate your marriage and partner
How to focus on your relationship after you get married
All the right tools you need for a great relationship
And much more!
SCR Media Inc
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