Samantha Cole

Her Sleuth

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Former title: The Devil's Spare Change. No new content added.
“Steamy and suspenseful, with a couple to root for and an evil villain to hate, The Devil’s Spare Change is the kind of romantic suspense I love to read!”—NYT Bestselling Author Christy Reece
Her adolescent crush is back in Whisper, North Carolina, but something nefarious has also moved into town.
FBI agent Sean Malone’s homecoming is interrupted by a blast from the past. The little tomboy who’d followed him and his brothers around is now grown up and drop-dead gorgeous. And he finds himself fantasizing about her in ways he’d never done before.
Grace Whitman thinks where she’d spent her childhood summers is the perfect place to open her new business—especially when she finds Sean has returned, uncovering her long-buried feelings.
As the two get to know each other all over again, local law enforcement asks Sean to help find the man who has tortured and killed three women. Will dating Sean put a target on Grace’s back, or will the deranged serial killer follow his pattern and move on to a new hunting ground?
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