
1805: Is Your Home a Sinkhole by Allison Carmen on Simple Living & Gratitude Practice

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Allison Carmen asks you to revaluate your home.

Episode 1805: Is Your Home a Sinkhole by Allison Carmen on Simple Living & Gratitude Practice

Allison Carmen holds a B.A. in accounting, a J.D. of Law, and a Master’s of Law in taxation. After working for a large law firm in Manhattan, Allison founded her own law firm and built a successful practice focusing on real estate, corporate, mergers and acquisitions, and taxation. After 15 years of practicing law, Allison transitioned her practice into business consulting, business coaching and life coaching. Today, Allison’s clients range from owners of multi-million dollar companies to artists, actors, writers, and parents. She's also the host of the podcast: 10 Minutes to Less Suffering.

The original post is located here: http://www.allisoncarmen.com/is-your-home-a-sinkhole/

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