Casey Harper

Descent into Doubt

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When you’re famous, indulgence can be as dangerous as playing with fire.
Cayden Chase is a well-liked and charismatic TV news reporter. With his wealth and popularity, there’s no shortage of women vying for his attention. But after online flirting with a woman named Jade leads to a shared night of racy passion, he’s blindsided when she accuses him of rape.
Certain of his innocence, Cayden believes it's retaliation for not wanting to see her again. But is that the whole truth?
Because things only get worse when he fails the police polygraph.
Facing the possibility of 16 years in prison, it’s an accusation that will not only shatter his life and reputation— it will sink him into the darkest depths of fear while he anxiously waits to hear his fate.
The question is, what really happened — who is telling the truth?
And what will that mean for Cayden?
From the bedroom to the courtroom comes a tale of lust, lies, and a life on the line. Where a night of passion becomes a fight for freedom – whose side will you choose?
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