George Pain

Content Creation

Do you have no idea how to get traffic to your blog?

You have a blog and are active on Social Media. You post often, ok most of the time…
To be really honest, you haven't posted anything worthwhile in a long time.
It's just so hard to keep a consistent flow of content going on a daily or weekly basis. You found inspiration today and created a masterpiece but there is no way you can repeat that weekly.
You need some sort of strategy to make it work.
This is what this book is all about, giving you a plan not only to create your content but also to automate the publishing.
By the end of this content creation strategy guide you will know the best way to

Here's What's Included In this Book:

Plan for great contentCreate quality contentUse scheduling tools to automate your publishing and make engagement easyContent SchedulingContent AutomationContent Writing Tips

Scroll up and download now.
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  • jennycuteamaracompartió una citahace 2 años
    Ensure that your content reflects the consistency and continuity of your brand. Review your editorial stands periodically to ascertain that the tone and voice of your brand are consistent with the blog persona in general. Are you positioning yourself as a fun, youthful, fresh blog for a younger audience? Are you positioning yourself as an authoritative and serious source of information in your industry?
  • jennycuteamaracompartió una citahace 2 años
    Think about how you would educate them about the unique aspects or qualities of your business; the unique benefits and advantages of your products or services; what problems you help people solve; how you help improve or add value to other people’s lives, why people need your products or services, etc
  • jennycuteamaracompartió una citahace 2 años
    Schedule 2-4 hours every week to focus on your content creation processes
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