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Sam Harris


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As it was in Anna Karenina, Madame Bovary, and Othello, so it is in life. Most forms of private vice and public evil are kindled and sustained by lies. Acts of adultery and other personal betrayals, financial fraud, government corruption—even murder and genocide—generally require an additional moral defect: a willingness to lie.In Lying, best-selling author and neuroscientist Sam Harris argues that we can radically simplify our lives and improve society by merely telling the truth in situations where others often lie. He focuses on “white” lies—those lies we tell for the purpose of sparing people discomfort—for these are the lies that most often tempt us. And they tend to be the only lies that good people tell while imagining that they are being good in the process.
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  • Mads Brinch Feierskovcompartió su opiniónhace 4 años
    👍Me gustó
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    Vigtige tanker at leve sit liv efter.

  • Thomas Munk Christensencompartió su opiniónhace 7 años
    🙈Ni fu ni fa


  • Morten Kjærcompartió una citahace 3 años
    what have you done between the time you’re born and the time you die? Did you make the most of this unique opportunity?
  • Morten Kjærcompartió una citahace 3 años
    Knowing that we told the truth in the past leaves us with nothing to keep track of. We can simply be ourselves in every moment.
  • b9227174887compartió una citahace 4 años
    People tell lies for many reasons. They lie to avoid embarrassment, to exaggerate their accomplishments, and to disguise wrongdoing. They make promises they do not intend to keep. They conceal defects in their products or services. They mislead competitors to gain advantage. Many of us lie to our friends and family members to spare their feelings.

    Whatever our purpose in telling them, lies can be gross or subtle.

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