Harvey C Mansfield

A Student's Guide to Political Philosophy

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A primer on the bedrock principles of politics from “Harvard’s most controversial conservative professor” and the author of Democracy in America (Boston magazine).
Behind the daily headlines on presidential races and local elections is the theory of the polity—or what the end of our politics should be. Harvard’s Harvey C. Mansfield, one of America’s leading political theorists, explains why our quest for the good life must address the type of government we seek to uphold. He directs our gaze to the thinkers and philosophies and classic works that have proved most influential throughout the ages.
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  • Kamila Yessenovacompartió una citahace 3 años
    But politics and political philosophy have one thing in common, and that is argument. If you listen to the talk shows, you will hear your fellow citizens arguing passionately pro and con with advocacy and denigration, accusation and defense. Politics means taking sides; it is partisan. Not only are there sides—typically liberal and conservative in our day—but also they argue against each other, so that it is liberals versus conservatives.
  • Ирина Литвиченкоcompartió una citahace 4 años
    Socrates did not accept this assumption. He suggested that questions of justice, like those of physics, might admit of answers that are not relative to time or place but are always and everywhere the same. Justice would then not be a matter of convention or nomos, but rather of nature or physis; there
  • Anastasiya Magonovacompartió una citahace 4 años
    Most people reason badly, but they do reason—and political philosophy starts from that fact.

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